Search for 855 Toll Free Numbers

Works with 100+ Carriers Including:

US Phone carriers
Exclusive 1-855 Numbers

Memorable 855 Numbers

Want a unique toll-free prefix and memorable vanity number? Well then, 855 area code is the right choice. 855 vanity number work just like a toll-free 800 number, with the advantage that you are more likely to find the exact phrase or memorable digit sequence you are looking for with an 855 prefix.

At, we offer a comprehensive database of 855 numbers and other toll-free prefixes that you can quickly search with our fast and easy online search tool.

Need help picking a 1-855 number? Click here to get in touch with our support team.

Memorable 855 Numbers

Why 855 Toll-Free Vanity Number?

  • Easy-to-remember
  • Act as a marketing tool
  • Increases your calls, sales and ROI
  • Helps Track Advertising
  • Gives your business credibility

Search 855 Toll-Free Number
855 Toll-Free Vanity Number
Why Choose Us

Why Get a Number From NumberInventory?

  • World's largest inventory of phone numbers for sale
  • Own your number, instead of renting it!
  • One-time registration fee as low as $99 to reserve and activate your number.
  • No contracts. No commitments. No hidden fees.
  • Works with 100+ Carriers (Verizon, AT&T, T Mobile, Vonage, Xfinity, iTeleCenter, Frontier, Sprint, etc.)

Recommended & Featured by Leaders

Featured by Leaders
You're Ready to go

Activate a 855 Toll-Free Number in No Time!

855 Toll-Free Number

Get an 855 toll-free number in 4 easy steps. Search our database and pick the perfect number for your business. We could get you up and running in less than a couple of days!

Features that Matter

50+ Features with NumberInventory

You can activate your number with instantly, or transfer your number to the carrier of your choice. We include more than 50 features,

Call Forwarding
Call Forwarding
Call Recording
Call Recording
Conference Calling
Conference Calling
Business Texting
Business Texting
VoIP/Wi-Fi Calling
VoIP/Wi-Fi Calling
Call Reporting
Call Reporting
Call Reporting
Online Faxing
Online Faxing
Call Blocking
Call Blocking
Find Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a toll-free number?
Toll-free numbers are numbers that start with the prefix - 833, 844, 855, 866, 877 or 888.
Are your numbers currently under contract?
Absolutely not! No contracts whatsoever. These are brand new numbers that can be used by you with 100+ carriers.
What if I don’t have a carrier?
No worries! You could always get started with us. Click here to help you get started.
Can I purchase multiple numbers?
Of course! You can purchase as many numbers as you like. In fact, most of our customers buy multiple numbers for their business for various activities.
How do I purchase a local/toll-free number?
It's simple! Use our search feature to find the local/toll-free phone number that you would like to purchase. You can search by area code, words, letters, or number patterns. Once you find the right number, purchase it, and it's all yours! You can then call your carrier to port your new number.
Do I own the phone number?
Of course! You 100% own the number you purchase.