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South Carolina Area Code

South Carolina Area Codes – What You Need to Know

South Carolina is known for its pristine beaches, enormous golf courses, and historic districts. The state’s most popular and influential cities include Charleston, Greenville, Florence, Columbia, and Spartanburg. The state is also home to some of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States - Myrtle Beach, Hilton Head Island, and Huntington Beach State Park being the most popular ones.

South Carolina is also a hub of manufacturing companies and has gradually risen through the ranks to emerge as the third-best state in the country for doing business. The state has a lot to offer to businesses in the form of low costs for doing business, lesser corporate tax, easy access to labor and capital, and an excellent network of railways and highways.

With NumberInventory, you can cash in on the state's business-friendly climate and expand overall sales. All you need to do is buy South Carolina local phone numbers and establish a local identity.

South Carolina area code phone numbers
All Area Codes

Currently, the state is using four South Carolina phone number codes

Area code:
Areas/ City Served:
Columbia, Aiken
Area code:
843, 854
Areas/ City Served:
Charleston, Myrtle Beach
Area code:
Areas/ City Served:
Greenville, Spartanburg
Steps to Setup

Get a Number in Seconds

Select your preferred network area
Select your preferred South Carolina area code and number.
Account information
Receive account information within 24 hours
Your number is ready
And voila! Your number will be activated within 2 to 10 business days
Fill up contact details
Provide your contact details and make the payment
boost sales

Target the locals, sell more

The residents of South Carolina may not feel comfortable communicating with an international number. You can use local South Carolina numbers to make them feel more confident and receptive to your phone calls.

easy on your wallet

Pocket-friendly prices

A local number costs way less than an international number. You can get local numbers on NumberInventory starting from just $99.

strong local presence in South Carolina

Build trust among locals

A South Carolina number will help your business instill confidence in your prospects and make them more open to engaging with your team. With a credible local presence, you can successfully tap into the state’s local markets.

Easy to Communicate

Promote easy communication

A local phone number is integral for maintaining smooth communication. Once you buy South Carolina phone numbers, customers will no longer have to worry about any inconveniences or additional charges while calling your business.

Advertise using your South Carolina numbers

Bolster marketing initiatives

A South Carolina phone number is the perfect instrument for advertising your company’s community-oriented approach. Once you get a local South Carolina phone number, you can build marketing campaigns around it to make your prospects aware of your local presence.

Find Answers

Frequently Asked Questions

Which South Carolina area codes are available on NumberInventory?
At NumberInventory, you can find an extensive database of South Carolina phone numbers with area codes 803, 843, 854, and 864.
What is the need for local area codes?
Area codes have been instrumental in the implementation of the numbering system that telephone service providers use for facilitating smooth telecommunication services across the country. They also help in routing long-distance calls to specific destinations.
Has there been a sudden rise in demand for South Carolina numbers?

South Carolina numbers have witnessed a huge surge in their demand in recent years. More and more businesses are switching to a South Carolina (SC) local phone number because of the state’s increasing population, growing economy, and technological advancements.

How can I tell if I should go for a South Carolina number or a toll-free number?
South Carolina numbers are an ideal for businesses that want to tap into the state's local markets, and toll-free numbers are a better choice for businesses with an international reach. Either way, you can get both on NumberInventory.
Will my South Carolina number accept international calls?

If the callers have international calling facility enabled with their service provider, your callers can reach out to you from any part of the world.

Who will own my telephone number?
You shall have full ownership of your local South Carolina (SC) number after you have purchased it from NumberInventory. You can port it to any carrier of your choice whenever you feel.
Will my cell phone be compatible with my local number?

You can use your cellular phone, Google Voice, or even VoIP with the local number you have purchased from NumberInventory. But if you want to opt for a landline connection, you will need to use an area code. Before you purchase, make sure that your physical address and area code is compatible.

Which area code serves as an overlay in South Carolina?

The area code 854 serving the eastern South Carolina region is an overlay for the area code 843 that represents the same geographical area.

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